
The Industrial Revolution


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        Gandhi once said: "The world has enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed." The Industrial Revolution of 1840 brought a wide range of changes to all aspects of society — the governor, the supplier and the consumer. However, whether the positive effects overweigh the negative effects remains in doubt.

        Truly, when productivity had increased, then people can enjoy the same level of standard of living without extra efforts. In other words, we might achieve higher utility of the products and services by the same amount of resources input than the past.

        To illustrate, British Iron Production from 1740 to 1900 grew up at a rapid rate due to more efficient way of utilizing waterpower. Just the 1700s, the iron production became twice as much as the previous data which was collected at the beginning of the century because the Industry needed iron for the construction of machine and steam power.(Doc.8) In addition, People could travel cheaply from place to place, and not only traveled at less expense, but traveled ten times quicker than two hundred years ago.(Doc.4). Moreover, The British people could have comforts and conveniences that had no existence two or three centuries ago. Their houses were better built, their clothes were cheaper, they had an infinite number of domestic utensils. Children seemed to be always cheerful and alert, taking pleasure in the light play of their muscles.(Doc.4&5) 

        Although pros from the previous aspects are obvious, everything has its price. To be more specific, the factories that caused various environmental problems in terms of air, soil and water pollution. Some workers even had damaged lungs owing to the dust in the factories (doc.2). At that time, the streets were usually unpaved, full of holes, filthy and strewn with refuse. Since they had neither gutter nor drains, the refuse accumulates in the stagnant, stinking puddles. (Doc.7)

        No doubt, the development of technology thanks to the Industrial Revolution has saved us a lot of time and resources. However, had people utilize them wisely and consciously? In contrast, the ancient Chinese people did invented some high-tech tools for transporting goods. However soon after the machine was invented, the inventor determined to destroy it for the reason that he believed human-race would become worse when they paid all attention to the technology. Today, this ancient wisdom is testified by the wars thanks to the technology blooming from the Industrial Revolution.

        To wrap up, the efficiency should not be the only factor for us to judge something is good or bad. Other factors should also be taken into consideration such as the price of environment. Also, in terms of revolution, perhaps for the next time, a huge leap for human realization should be expected.

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