
Does suffering make one stronger?




          Friedrich Nietzsche once said: “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.”. Although some may argue that too much suffering could result in negative impact on the mentality of human being, the immense contributions of those experience, named suffering, cannot be ignored. The positive impact of those pain will be unveiled in terms of life growth, talent discovery and empathy capability.


          In terms of life growth, a butterfly has exemplified how suffering may contribute. As shown in ¨The Man and a Butterfly¨ (text 1), the man watched a butterfly come out of the cocoon, he saw the butterfly struggle and tried to help the butterfly by cutting the cocoon. However, the butterfly needed to struggle out of the cocoon because it has to force fluid out of the body into the wings. Apparently, the butterfly cannot dance without undertaking these struggles that empower them. In addition, in The Book Thief, Max’s life was miserable when he was young. He fought quite a lot against his peers and this had forged both this body and will. Without the toughness dyed on his childhood, he might failed to travel across the darkness of the Holocaust. (Text 3) Therefore, during the journey of life growth, suffering seems to be a necessity. 


          Sometimes, you can discover something new about yourself,like amazing beauty can harvest in the barren land. As the ”Caged Bird” by poet Maya Angelou, symbolized those who suffered from lacking of freedom. The caged bird saw all the other birds soaring the sky while itself jailed behind the bars. It is righteous for one to give up yet the bird decide to find an another possibility of life - the voice. (Text 2) Without the lack of freedom, the voice might never tap out. Besides, psychologists found out that after a period of pain, the by-product of suffering is a new inner strength. Take the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzche as an example, disease and misunderstanding walked him through most of his time, but he saw them as “the ultimate emancipator of spirit” which was a booster for his philosophy studies. (Text 4) Therefore, when unpleasant comes, we could accept it as an undeserved blessing, rather than curse it. 


          Some may argue that too much suffering may lead to post-traumatic stress disorder. For example, a shown studies indicate that people who have near-death experiences would feel “a dark night of the soul”, where their life seemed meaningless. (text 4) Nevertheless, in the long term, these nightmares may be balanced by positive outcomes. For example, some former drug addicts would become drug counselors after recovering from the painful drug treatment, as they adopted the ability to put their feet into others shoes from the previous hardship. Suffering can make one experience positive life changes and develop “a more philosophical or spiritual attitude to life.”(Text 4) Thus, an empathetic heart is fruited by the nourishing pain.


          Although at the first sip, suffering does not offer a pleasant taste, but it may turn out to be sweet later on. Demonstrated by the struggled butterfly, beaten Max, caged bird, tortured Nietzche and compelled counselors, when the next time we are faced with something unwanted or unpleasant, maybe we can take it as a gift.

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Suffering makes me fucking stronger!!!!!Fuck Essay!!!!!!

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